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sábado, 1 de mayo de 2010

Ultimate Happiness

What is Ultimate Happiness?

I use a neutral term here, ultimate happiness, to designate the most fulfilling state of consciousness you can imagine. You can mentally swap the words ‘ultimate happiness’ for any term you are used to in your cultural and spiritual background which points to the state of consciousness where one is completely free from human suffering and lives in a state of complete oneness with all there is and in total and unconditional acceptance of what is. You may know it as enlightenment, oneness, nirvana, redemption, salvation, liberation, being, pure consciousness, oneness consciousness, and so on. So in a desire to be neutral and not favour a spiritual belief over another, I will use the term ultimate happiness.

Now to answer my own question: What is the state of ultimate happiness? It is the highest possible state of consciousness where one is completely fulfilled and content, free from human suffering, totally at one with all there is without any illusion or sensation of separateness, whole within themselves and in harmony with the whole universe, in flow with one’s purpose of existence and living in total and unconditional acceptance of what is.

It is a state where you know yourself as is “I AM”, where “I” is the whole universe because you have lost all of your self-identities. In the state of ultimate happiness you realize that you are not “YOU” as a separate entity, just as a drop of water in the ocean cannot identify itself as a “drop of water” because it knows itself as the Ocean. It’s when you know yourself as Infinite, as Being, as One.

Why is ultimate happiness desirable? In that state, you experience boundless inner peace, love, compassion, acceptance; you are in total flow with your purpose of existence, you are fulfilled, content and totally present at every moment. There is no stress, irritation, worry, anxiety, depression, unhappiness, anger, disappointement, rejection, loneliness, and so on. You are not restricted anymore by emotional reactions to past events or fears about future ones, you can plan the future with complete clarity of mind knowing what it is that you want to create. You become free from your attachment to emotional drama and find complete fulfilment in the simple fact of existing. You are free from evil compulsions and your needs for more. Nothing could be added or removed that could possibly make you happier.

Ultimate happiness is the ultimate state of being.

Ultimate happiness gives you the ultimate quality of life.

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